Are you interested in making money online without investment,
Wanna make 1000s of dollars every month online just for working 2 hours a day without leaving your current job,

Looking out for the best source to Join,
Then you're in the right place!

Here I am going to fulfill all your needs - You just join our wide team.

Here What I Can Do For You?

I'll share some useful content.

I'll give you guidance.

I'll provide you the money making source.

Every thing is free here. I am not gonna ask you something for doing this except 1 Like - 1 Tweet - 1 g+1 at the end of this article and that 2 your wish too..

What You Should Have To Join Here?

In order to join and start your work with PTC websites, you need to have the following things:

One new Email Account, we recommend Gmail. (It is required at the time of registration with PTC websites.)

A Bank Account with Visa or Master Debit Card. (It is required to receive your payments from PayPal)

A PAN Card. (It is required at the time of opening PayPal Account if you're an indian and for others 'not required)

And a PayPal Account. (It is an online payment processor, receives your payments from PTC websites and converts them into your native currency and sends it to your Bank Account).

Note:- If you do not have a bank account, you should better apply for it soon and rightnow there is no issue to join PTC websites. If you're an Indian, you should have PAN card. If you do not have PAN card, apply for it soon; otherwise you cannot create a PayPal Account.

Useful Links:- steps to create paypal account

Now the time to join PTC websites one by one.

Below I have given the list of top 10 PTC websites for you to join.

Just click on the below banners one by one to start your registration process with PTC websites.

Once you click on the below banners, it will take you to the selected PTC website. Here you need to find the register or signup button generally it will be located at the top right corner of the PTC website. Just click on that link or button and start filling your details and click on submit button.

Once you click on the submit button, a confirmation link will be sent to your registered email account from PTC webstie. Open that mail and click on the confirmation link to successfully complete your registration process with PTC Website.

Do the same thing for all PTC websites. And after successfully completing your registration process with PTC websites, please notedown all your user ids and passwords in a notepad file and save it in your hardisk for future reference.


[Register with many sites if you wanna earn more and more online income..]

JillsClickCornerWordLinx - Get Paid To ClickEarnEasyCashcashtream

Now that (assume) you have registered with all PTC websites given in the top ranked list above. Now what is the next step..?

You have to start your work rightnow/ from the day itself..!


In order to start your work with PTC websites, you need to have the following things...

1) Latest Mozilla Firefox installed with latest flash player/plugin..

How To Start Your Work With PTC Websites?

You can find the instructions given below to start your work with PTC websites:
  • Open Firefox Browser.
  • Open upto 5 PTC websites each one in a new tab.
  • Login into PTC websites.
  • Click on View Ads (or View Advertisements or Surf Ads or Browse Ads or Paid To Click or Paid to Read or Paid to Surf ) Tab in all PTC websites.
  • Then the advertisements page will be opened in all ptc websites.
  • Click on each advertisement one by one and visit it about 30 seconds or until the timer becomes zero then check whether your account is credited with the amount. (On before or after visiting an advertisement you will be asked to click on a cat, a certain number, an alphabet, word, or shape. Once you do the correct thing, your account will be credited with the cash)
  • Do the same simultaneously with all PTC websites and check your earnings..
  • After visiting all advertisements in all PTC websites, close the browser and relax..
  • That's it! You have done the work!
[If you didn't find the way to start your work at a specific PTC website, you can leave a comment below., so that I can help you in detail to get started..]

Now that you have done you first day of work with the above PTC websites. Let's see How much you can earn with PTC websites. 

Earnings Example without Referral Program
Each PTC webiste will send you 20+ Ads for you to click every day (once you signup with them and login).
For each ad you click, you will get paid between $0.001 to $0.02. (3sec ad = $0.001, 15sec ad = $0.005, 30sec ad = $0.01, and 60sec ad = $0.02)
If you click 20 Ads in 1 Advertising Company (PTC website), you will get min. $0.02 Dollar (0.001x20).
You have top 10 Sites Ads to click every day i.e. (20 ads X 10 sites) 200 Ads to click every day and if you’ll have done so, you will get min. $0.2 Dollar every day.
So, your monthly earnings will be around $6 Dollars i.e. Rs.318/- aprroximately.
Very Poor, Isn't it!


So, How To Earn More Money With PTC Websites?

The Answer is, Through its Referral Program.

What is a Referral Program?

A referral program is another name for an affiliate program, a business arrangement in which a merchant website pays someone a commission for referring customers to the merchant’s site.
Here, if you refer people to Advertising Companies or PTC Websites, each company will pay you 10 to 50 percent of each referral earnings as commissions every day (life time validity). However, you should follow their conditions (you need to work daily in order to get your referral earnings daily and its simple.) for getting your referral earnings.

Step By Step Earnings Example with Referral Program

If you refer 10 people to 10 PTC websites, you will get (avg 25% of your referral income as commission) $15 dollars (6*10=60*0.25=15) from your referrals every month; and your total income is (15+6) $21 dollars per month.
If you refer 100 people to 10 Advertising companies, you will get (avg 25% of your referral income as commission) min. $150 dollars (6*100=600*0.25=150) from your referrals every month; and your total income is (150+6) min. $156 dollars per month.
If you refer 1000 people to 10 Advertising companies (patience is the key to success in this business), you will get (avg 25% of your referral income) $1500 dollars (6*1000=6000*0.25=1500) from your referrals every month; and your total income will be (1500+6) $1506 dollars per month i.e. Rs.79,818/-. approximately as per today’s dollar rate.
And finally there is no limit to refer people i.e. you can refer n number of people to these PTC websites to increase your referral income (Note: only one account per house hold i.e. if you create more than one account from same IP address, both accounts will be suspended from PTC websites because they need unique visitors).
Finally what I wanna say is, the more people you refer the more money you earn. (without referrals it is waste of time to be with PTC Websites).
Note1:- If you want to make more money with Ad clicking jobs, you need to join more PTC websites.
Note2:- If you want to make more money with Ad clicking jobs, you need to click ads daily in all PTC websites.
Note3:- If you want to make more money with Ad clicking jobs, you need to refer more people to PTC websites.

How To Refer People To PTC Websites?

There are many ways to refer people to PTC websites., and you can easily refer at least 10 people to PTC websites every day (and for month 300 people, and for an year 3650 people you can refer = $2190 USD Per Month As Referral Commissions) Just share your referral links to others through Classified sites, Social networking sites and Traffic exchanges sites. Trust me you will get referral income definitely if you share your referral links

Now you need to create a Blog or Website for your referral links. You can use any one of the following sites to create a free website / blog:

If you don't know how to create a blog/website for your referral links, don't worry; I am here to help you out for this for free. Just leave a comment below.

After creating a blog/website for your referral links, what's the next step? You need to start referring people.. 

You can use the following methods to refer people:

1) Post a free Ad, in free online classified sites like, quikr, olx, clickindia, clickin, vivastreet, indiatimes, adsglobe and so on. Tell the people about this earning opportunity, and ask the people to call you for more information regarding this job or ask them to visit your website to join.
Daily Post at least 1 Ad in each of the classified sites which I have mentioned above. In this way, you can easily get at least 10 referrals perday for you.

2) Post your website link in social networking sites like facebook, twitter, linkedin, and so on. Share your website link to your friends and public, tell them about this income opportunity and ask them to join PTC websites. Never force them to join if they are not interested in this earning opportunity, instead request them to share your website link to their friends in social networking sites, so that they can use this opportunity and become your referrals.

3) Post your website link in public blogs and forums. You can also submit an article about this earning opportunity in article submission sites like ezine.

4) If you can spend a little amount, you can give a newspaper ad about this earning opportunity. In this way also you can easily get your referrals.

5) If you do not feel shy, you can make some pamphlets about this earning opportunity and distribute them to public (students, housewives, retired people and so on). In this way also you can easily get your referrals.

6) You can choose traffic exchange sites to get your referrals.
Here I will tell you about my experience with the different traffic exchanges and their effectiveness.
Traffic exchanges are a simple and relatively effective method of building a downline. So, how does it work? Most are manual surfs where you sign up (very easy) and click on "Start Surfing." You will be directed to a framed page where you will view other member’s web pages. When the timer in the frame stops, you will be asked to click on a certain number, word, or shape. Once you do, you will see the next page.
So, how does this help you? As you surf, you accrue credits or points which you can redeem for visits to your site. Each one offers a different surf ratio as well as bonuses. Some offer contests which are actually fun and can win you free credits.
So, which are the best sites? Everyone has their favorites, and this is really just a matter of my opinion and my results. I will list my favorite sites as well as the important statistics about each.
My favorite:
Surf Ratio: 10-15 seconds. For every site viewed you will get 2-3 credits, which you redeem for views to your site at the cost of 1 credit per second.
Bonuses: Frequent bonuses of 5-50 credits throughout the surf.
Contests: There are several. The best one is a contest to "Stop the Clock." You join a team of 25 members and together you surf searching for clocks. When you reach a certain number, your team splits the pot (thousands of time credits). Your team will also win credits at the end of the week if it is in the top 20. Also, for every 10 clocks you "find" you will get 10 tokens. If you are ranked in the top 500 members for the week, you will win bonus tokens.
Extras: This one is really fun and addictive, bringing out your competitive side. All of the bonuses are huge incentives to surf, and you can win so many "free" credits. Plus, the surf page offers a "TeamTalk" to keep things intersting.
Effectiveness: This site is new, but it is growing fast, and I have had some very promising results so far: many hits to my pages as well as referrals.

 Other Good Ones:
RealHitz4u - Feel The Punch
Surf Ratio: 10 seconds. 2:1, for every 2 sites you view, you will get 1 view for your site.
Bonuses: Every day the top 20 surfers will get a bonus.
Contests: See above.
Extras: The objects that you have to click to view the next page is a large bright shape instead of a small sometimes confusing number.
Effectiveness: Great. I have got great results from this site. Several referrals.
Your 1:1 Traffic Exchange
Surf Ratio: 20 seconds at 1:1. for every site you view you will get 1 view to your site.
Bonuses: See below.
Contests: Lots of contests, change each month.
Effectiveness: This site is relatively large, and the surf ratio is very good, so you will get a good return.

Now that you have understood how you can make money with PTC websites. Remember., you need to work daily in order to get your referral commissions daily.

You might think if I do not work a single day what happens!
Let me explain you this in detail..
If you click 20 ads in one ptc website, you'll earn $0.02 USD / day.
If you click 20 ads in 10 ptc websites, you can earn $0.2 USD / day.
If you do not have referrals, nothing will happen if you do not work this day.
If you have 1000 referrals in each PTC websites you joined, it matters. You might loss around $50 USD in a day itself.
So what I wanna say here is: without referrals you can't earn money with PTC websites; even with referrals you can't earn money with PTC websites if you do not work (click ads daily) with PTC websites.
Work daily (click ads in PTC websites daily). It takes max. 1 hour to complete the task in all PTC websites. If you do not spend at least an hour per day for PTC websites for clicking ads, you never earn money.. and there is a chance to suspend/deactivate/delete your account from PTC websites by their admins for inactivity.
Try to refer at least 10 people daily to the ptc websites you joined otherwise you cannot grow with PTC websites.
A Website or a blog for your referral links is must and should. And the content is the most important thing in your website. It should be presented very clear (in detail) otherwise your website visitors will just come and leave (they never join).

Hope you understand what I have explained here..
If you have any queries related to this article, you can feel free to leave a comment below.

All the best!


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